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Privacy Policy

SDT Renting
  • The website collects certain information about users in order to provide car rental services. This information may include personal information such as name, address and contact information.
  • The collected information is used exclusively for the purpose of providing car rental services, processing reservations, communicating with users and improving the quality of services. They can also be used for the purpose of marketing activities, but only with the user's consent.
  • The website will not share users' personal information with third parties except in cases where it is necessary to provide services, such as vehicle reservations or payment processing. In such cases, information is shared only with trusted partners or service providers.
  • The website takes appropriate data protection measures to ensure that the user's personal data is secure and protected from unauthorized access, alteration or disclosure.
  • The website may use cookies to improve user experience and provide personalized content. Users have the option to accept or reject cookies through their web browser settings.
  • The website reserves the right to periodically update or change the privacy policy to adapt to legal requirements or to improve data protection practices. Users will be notified of any changes through a notice on the site.
  • This privacy policy aims to protect users personal data and to provide transparency regarding the way that data is collected, used and protected. By using the website, users accept all the stated terms of the privacy policy.